Bucket Pups
3.5 months
To be medium-large
One hot July day, 2 female pups, still with eyes closed, about 1 week old were left on a road in a bucket in the Goldra area! We knew about a doggie-mum-to-be that was seen in the area and our volunteers went to search for her, convinced that these were from her litter. Now we know that this one was Millie, but little did they know that they would find another doggie-mum, Twiggy, in a field with 5 pups very similar to those found in the bucket. She was too fearful to be caught, but thanks to some phenomenal ladies, the pups were fostered, bottle fed and happily growing ever since. The volunteers have been feeding Twiggy from the distance to gain her trust and recently, she has been brought to safety. All Millie's pups, but beautiful Beau (reserved) have been adopted, Twiggy's Milky (boy) is still available, Rory (boy) and Sherrie (girl) have been reserved to be adopted. They are all happy, playful characters, who trust people and since they've been fostered for 2 months, even started to adapt to home living. We can tell you a lot more about them, just contact us!
+351 918 435 448